3 Sept 2011

SunflowerSisters' Amazon Affiliate Program

Dear Family and Friends:

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month and we're reaching out to each of you to ask you to please "Help Us to Help Others" ...and it won't cost you a cent!

How can you help us?

Many of you already shop online using Amazon.com or Amazon.ca.  SunflowerSisters.ca is a registered affiliate with both Amazon.com and Amazon.ca - which simply means, that if you buy your items through our affiliate account, we will receive a tiny commission. And I mean tiny. This is our only means of financing the cost of maintaining and updating our website.

Why would you buy through our affiliate link?
  • There is no difference in the cost of your purchase.
  • Your items will not take any longer to ship.
  • There is no additional paperwork.
  • There is no questionaire.
  • All purchasing is confidential - no info is supplied to us.
  • SunflowerSisters is starting to reach its targeted market and perhaps you feel our work is valuable.
  • We are hoping to produce an exercise video specifically for ovarian cancer patient rehabilitation and it will be the first of its kind. This is only one of several items where we have incurred out of pocket expenses.
Will you help us?
Please bookmark the following web pages:
Each of these pages has a direct link into Amazon by clicking on the Amazon banner located on that page.
Remember to enter Amazon's website through this bookmarked link each time you visit.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Your SunflowerSisters,
Jo & Lisa

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