Please share this information with all of your female family members and friends.
What are the some of the possible signs of ovarian cancer?
- abdominal pressure, fullness, bloating
- pelvic discomfort or pain
- persistent indigestion, gas or nausea
- changes in bowel habits such as constipation
- changes in bladder habits such as frequent need to urinate
- loss of appetite or quickly feeling full
- increased abdominal girth - clothes fitting tightly around the waist
- a persistent lack of energy
- low back pain
- some of the above...none of the above.
There is no screening test for ovarian cancer. A Pap smear cannot diagnose this disease. There is no reliable blood test. Ovarian cancer, gone undetected, spreads throughout the abdomen where it is very difficult to treat. Right now, the key to early detection is to know the signs, know yourself and know what is normal for you.
The following website has some interesting facts about Ovarian Cancer:
Ovarian Cancer INFOGRAPHIC Know The Facts
Jo's original post can be read here:
SunflowerSisters Ovarian Cancer Blog: September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month: